Bachelor of International Business Management

    Intake Periods
  • January
  • May
  • September
    Modes of Study
  • Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Weekend
Course Overview

The philosophy of this program is to nurture the development of professionals in international business who combine professional knowledge, innovation and socially responsibility to change the World. In line with the University’s philosophy of nurturing learners’ unique abilities, the pedagogical approaches adopted are intended to excite the learners’ curiosity of exploration and discovery through group discussions, field visits, and research. Moreover, the program’s philosophy aims to help students make connections between classroom experience and the praxis of business locally and internationally. The program’s philosophy is to encourage active participation in class through discussions and open dialogue with their instructors. The program aims at aimed produce graduates with experiential knowledge and understanding of international business which, includes understanding different cultures and the diversity of international business ethics, values, and morals. The goal is to encourage students to pursue scholarship and research by modelling business problems and developing aids for managerial decision-making

Who Can Join

  • Must have passed with mean grade of C+ and above in KCSE plus B+ in Mathematics and B in English in the KCSE
  • OR

  • Have a minimum of 2 principal passes, including Mathematics, at Advanced Level/ KACE (Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education) with at least C in mathematics.
  • OR

  • Have a Diploma in Actuarial Science, Diploma in Mathematics, Diploma in Statistics, Diploma in Insurance with at least a Credit pass from an accredited Institution recognized by the university Senate,
  • OR

  • Any other qualifications equivalent to (i) to (v) above, subject to approval by the Senate meeting the minimum requirements set by the Commission for University Education (CUE).

Entry Qualifications

KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) OR any other equivalent qualification approved by the university senate.

Duration & Structure Of The Programme

To be considered for the award of the degree of BSc. in International Business Management, a candidate is required to enroll and complete 49 units over a period of not less than nine (9) trimesters or equivalent offered in three calendar years. Each trimester is the equivalent of fifteen (15) weeks of study and each calendar year shall consist of three (3) trimesters. Based on individual preference a student can register for a maximum of seven (7) course units per trimester. The minimum number of units a student can register per trimester is three (3) provided that all the required units are covered within five years.

The normal duration for the degree shall be three calendar years and not more than six calendar years. Each candidate must satisfy all the requirements of the program as set by the University Senate. During each academic year, a candidate must satisfy the School of Business and Public Management requirements regarding the minimum number of units to be taken.
The teaching methods include face-to-face delivery, and face student-lecturer interaction is required, as well as their physical presence in the assigned classrooms for teaching and learning to take place. Ongoing assessments throughout the semester will include examinations, assignments, term papers, reports, presentations, group projects, research projects, and industrial attachments. The coursework will be covered through the following approaches;

  • Lectures and seminars,
  • Group discussions and presentations,
  • Case studies,
  • Guest speakers and site visits.
Mode of Delivery of The Programme/Course
  • Full time
  • Part-time
  • Weekend

Curriculum Road Map
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Government Sponsored Students (GSS)
  • CUU 1002: Information Literacy
  • CUU 1003: Communication Skills
  • ICT 1101: Introduction to Information Systems
  • ACC 1101: Introduction to Accounting I
  • BAM 1102: Principles of Management
  • BAM 1106: International Trade
  • MAT 1102: Management Mathematics I
  • BAM 1202: Business Law I
  • CUU 1001: Health Awareness
  • CUU 1004: Development Studies and Ethics
  • ACC 1202: Introduction to Accounting II
  • ECO 1201: Introduction to Microeconomics
  • MKT 1101: Principles of Marketing
  • MAT 1102: Management Mathematics II
Self Sponsored Students (SSS)
Trimester I Trimester II Trimester III
  • CUU 1002: Information Literacy
  • CUU 1003: Communication Skills
  • ICT 1101: Introduction to Information Systems
  • ACC 1101: Introduction to Accounting I
  • BAM 1102: Principles of Management
  • BAM 1106: International Trade
  • MAT 1102: Management Mathematics I
  • BAM 1202: Business Law I
  • CUU 1001: Health Awareness
  • CUU 1004: Development Studies and Ethics
  • ACC 1202: Introduction to Accounting II
  • ECO 1201: Introduction to Microeconomics
  • MKT 1101: Principles of Marketing
  • MAT 1102: Management Mathematics II
  • ACC 1303: Introduction to Taxation
  • ACC 1304: Intermediate Accounting I
  • FIN 1301: Business Finance
  • MAT 1203: Introduction to Business Statistics
  • ECO 1302: Introduction to Macroeconomics
  • HRM 1302: Human Resource Management

Diploma/Cert Exam TTJan–Apr 2025Draft New!Download
Bachelor Exam TT Jan–Apr 2025Draft New!Download
PhD & Masters Exam TTJan–Apr 2025Draft New!Download