Kiprono Chebelyon

Kiprono Chebelyon


Tutorial Fellow

Staff E-mail Address

Academic Qualification

  • PHD Business Administration – Operations Management (University 0f Nairobi – Ongoing )
  • MBA – Procurement & Supply Management (2014)
  • BCOM- Accounting (2010)

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • ICPAK – CPA, K
  • KISM – Associate Member


A seasoned Tech Savvy, Strategy-conscious, and Customer-focused Procurement Professional with 9 years of exceptional Scholarly, Research, and Administrative abilities in Procurement. My academic interests and expertise encompass Supply Chain Management, specifically the optimization, coordination, and integration of supply chain activities; Procurement Strategies, which include sourcing, supplier relationship management, and cost-effective purchasing; and Procurement Risk Management, focusing on outsourcing risk, supply chain resilience, supplier relationship management, and source change management.

Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications

Research Interest

  • Sustainable and Green Logistics – sustainable sourcing, Procurement ethics reverse logistics, and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standardization and compliance
  • Supply chain resilience and risk management – Supply chain resilience, disruption management, risk mitigation, contingency planning, crisis recovery

Conferences & Chapters

  • School of Business Annual Research Conference, 20 – 21 JULY 2023; role of cronyism on public procurement performance in Kenya.
  • International Confrence on Accounting and Policy held between 07/09/2016 to 09/09/2016 at Safari Park Hotel.
  • Audit Quality Assurance Workshop held between 09/08/2018 to 10/08/2018 at Hilton Hotel.

Teaching (Learning Environment)

  • Foster Critical Thinking through problem-solving and analytical skills through scenario-based learning and simulations
  • Assess Learning Outcomes by employing formative and summative assessments, such as projects, presentations, and exams, to evaluate understanding and application.
  • Interactive and Engaging Classes by using tools like group discussions, role-playing, and gamification to maintain interest
  • Technology Integration and leveraging learning management systems (LMS), online resources, and virtual tools for a seamless learning experience

Social Media and Academic Networking Tools

Kiprono Chebelyon
Chebelyon Profile pic