Lecturer/Undergraduate Attachment & Research Coordinator
Staff E-mail Address
Academic Qualification
- Ph.D., in Supply Chain Management – Ongoing
- MSc Procurement and Logistics
- Bachelor of Commerce (Finance)
- Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K) Finalist and Pioneer
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
- Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (MKISM)
- Certified Procurement and Supply Professional -K (CPSP-K)
Currently at an advanced stage in writing my doctoral thesis titled: “Leveraging Supply Chain Analytics as Impetus for Performance among Manufacturing Firms in Kenya”. I’m a supply chain agility specialist, with vast knowledge on supply base leveraging, category management, procurement spend analytics and reverse procurement management. I’m also a procurement performance contracting pundit with exceptional supply and demand planning insights, a strong background in influencing, negotiation and persuasion skills. I have had exposure to various procurement consultancy platforms, procurement audit and general management concepts
Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications
- KISEB: All the 10 chapters in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Study Text, Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K), Part 3.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Ndolo, J.M., Mutiso, S., & Eunice, Njagi (2022). Big Data Analytics in Agri Value Chains: Challenges and Value Addition Opportunities for Small Scale Farmers in Kenya. Under Peer Review by Publisher
- Gatari, C., & Mutiso, S. (2022). Effect of Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance of Steel Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. Under Peer Review by Publisher
- Wangui, J., Mutiso, S., & Owino, E. (2022). Influence of Blockchain Technology on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance of Multinational Corporations in Kenya. Under Peer Review by Publisher.
- Mutiso, S., & Ndolo, J.M. (2022). Big Data Analytics and Performance of Private Level Five (5) Hospitals in Nairobi City
County, Kenya. Under Peer Review by Publisher
- Mutiso, S., & Gatari, C. (2022). Influence of Inventory Returns Management on Performance of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal, 5(1), 12-22.
- Gatari, C., & Mutiso, S. (2022). Effect of Circular Economy Practices on Sustainable Performance of Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. Internation Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 8(3), 2640-2656.
- Kimani, B., & Mutiso, S. (2021). Influence of Supply Chain Risk Factors on the Price of Petroleum Products among Oil Marketing Companies in Kenya. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 5(2), 100-120.
- Mutiso, S., & Mwangangi, P. (2021). Influence of Public-Private Partnerships on Performance of Projects among State Corporations in Kenya. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 5(3), 1-22.
- Mutiso, S., & Mburu, D.K. (2016). Influence of Supply Base Leveraging Practices on Procurement Performance among Public Institutions in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Forest Service. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement, 5(10), 519-563.
Research Interest
- Leveraging Supply Chain Analytics
- Supply Base Leveraging
Leveraging Supply Chain Analytics as impetus for Performance among manufacturing firms in Kenya
Research Topics
- Procurement Consultancy, Category Management, Procurement Spend Analytics, Reverse Procurement Management
Conferences & Chapters
Conferences/Seminars/Training/ Workshops
- September 2022: African Institute for Supply Chain Research. Theme: “ Public Procurement: Lessons and Experience from the Netherlands”. by Prof Frederik Vos, University of Twente, Netherlands
- August, 2022: African Institute for Supply Chain Research. Theme: “Qualitative Data Collection Techniques”. by Dr. Ahmed Kato, University of South Africa
- October, 2022: Two (2) Day Writing Workshop, at KCA University
- October, 2022: KCA University Interdisciplinary Conference on Innovations and Sustainability. Theme: “Leveraging on Innovations to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals” Kenya School of Monetary Studies
- August, 2022: Two (2) Day Manuscript Writing Training, at KCA University
- July, 2022: Two (2) Day School of Business Annual Research Conference at KCA University. Theme: “Business Innovations and Sustainability amidst the Global Pandemic”sobarc-ii-book-ofabstract/
- June, 2022: Ethics in Academic Writing at St. Paul’s University, by Dr. Steve Manyozo, Kamuzu University, Malawi
- June, 2022: Writing for Publication: What Reviewers Look for at St. Paul’s University, by Dr. Steve Manyozo, Kamuzu University, Malawi
- June, 2022: Two (2) Day Training on Case Teaching Methodology by The Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
- June, 2022: Two (2) Day Research Agenda Setting Workshop, at KCA University
- May, 2022: One (1) Day Training on Fundamentals of Grant Writing at KCA University, by Prof. Chris Shisanya, Kenyatta University
- May, 2022: Bloom’s Taxonomy Training, Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence at KCA University, by Dr. Edward Misava, Aga Khan University
- December, 2021: Presented a Paper in the KISM National Dialogue Conference: Five (5) Day Conference Theme: “Transforming Supply Chain Management to Drive Economic Recovery and Social Impact” KISM
- February 2021: One (1) Day Training on Case Study Teaching at KCA University, by Prof. Peter Kiriri, USIU-A.
- July 2021: Trainer, Procurement in Practice Conference KENYA (PPC2020).
- July 2020: Designing and Execution of Remote Take-Home Examinations (THE) by Prof. Joshua Bagaka’s, DVC, KCA University
- June 2020: Strategic Insights: Accurate, Certified, Relevant. The Bloor Group and Metric Insights
- June 2020: Pivot to Success: Achieving Business Agility with Data. The Bloor Group and Magnitude Software
- June 2020: Sensitization on Supplies Practitioners’ Management ACT No. 17 of 2007 (SPMA)
- May 2020: Online Instructional Techniques, Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence, by Dr. Florence Abuyeka Miima, Kenyatta University
- May 2020: Online Instructional Pedagogy: Remote Engagement During COVID 19 Pandemic, by Prof. Onesimus Otieno, Oakwood University, USA
- June 2019: Procurement Lecturers’ Seminar, Kenya Institute of Supplies Examination Board (KISEB)