Senior Lecturer - School of Business
E-mail Address
Academic Qualification
- PhD in HRM – University of Nairobi;
- Master of Business Administration-HRM (Kenyatta University, 2003);
- Bachelor of Education (Kenyatta University, 1990)
Membership of Professional Bodies or Associations
- Institute of Human Resource Management(IHRM)
- Africa Academy of Manageent
Research Interest
- Knowledge Management and performance of Organizations, Job Design and Employee Engagement, Knowledge Management and Rewards Systems, Knowledge Management and Organizational Structures, Transformational Leadership and Knowledge Management
Research Topics
- Human Resource Management
- Knowledge Management
Selected Publications(Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications)
Conferences & Chapters
- Rose Waweru-Gathii (2019), The Mediating Role of Teamwork Processes in the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Knowledge Management; TAKE Conference proceedings, Vienna University of Business and Economics, July 2019
- Rose Waweru-Gathii (2018),” Transformational Leadership and Knowledge management in the Universities in Kenya” Proceedings of the 15th International conference on knowledge management, intellectual capital and organizational learning, ICKM, University of Western Cape, S.A, November 2018
- Rose Waweru-Gathii (2015),”Linking Transformational Leadership to Knowledge management, the mediating Role of Teamwork Processes, Evidence from Literature”. Proceedings of the 12th International conference on knowledge management, intellectual capital and organizational learning, ICKM, Bangkok,(2015)
- Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Management, Organizational Structures, Reward Systems and Performance of Telecommunication Firms in Kenya