Prof. Renson Muchiri Mwangi


Associate Professor/Director Quality Assurance

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Prof. Renson Muchiri is a graduate of Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA, and an alumnus of the DAAD/DIES International Deans’ leadership Course (IDC). He holds a Doctor of Management from Weatherhead School of Management, Master of Science in Statistics and Bachelor of Education degrees both from Egerton University, Kenya. At Weatherhead School of Management, he was a DM/Mandel Scholar and won the Mitchell V. Morse DM Scholarship.

Renson has vast experience in Kenyan basic, tertiary, and University education having started his career as graduate teacher under Teachers Service Commission (TSC), then serving as a lecturer at Kenya College of Accountancy, and deputy department head at Kenya School of Professional Studies. His university teaching career began in 1998 at Africa Nazarene University, and continuing to Daystar University, and KCA University. He has also served as an academic leadership in senior university positions.  Dr. Muchiri is a program peer reviewer with the Commission for University Education (CUE), has been an examiner with Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB), and is an external dissertation supervisor with University of Botswana.

Prof. Muchiri has been, continues to be, involved in research and scholarship. He has organized and convened conferences that bring together industry practitioners, government officials, and academic scholars. He has also led research projects and conducted research in areas of, entrepreneurship, small business management, and youth engagement with Kenyan cooperatives. He has supervised and graduate masters’ and PhD students. Renson has published papers in peered refereed journals like the Journal of Small Business Management, the Case Focus journal, among others, and presented papers in international peer refereed conferences including Africa Academy of Management, American Education Research Association, (AERA), Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA. As a scholar, Renson has been member of board of peer reviewers for Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (JEE), Editor of KCA Journal of Business Management, member of Insurance regulatory Authority (IRA) Research Review Board of Kenya, as well as a founder member and official of the Private Universities Research Consortium of Kenya (PURCK). He has reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and book manuscripts. He is a member of Strategic Management Society (SMS), Africa Academy of Management (AFAM), and American Education Research Association (AERA). Dr. Muchiri’s research interest and focus areas include entrepreneurship, organization leadership, and SMEs development.


Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications

  • Mwangi, R. M.and Rotich, A. (2019). The Effect of Threat of Job Loss on Entrepreneurial Intentions and Gestation Actions, Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 57(s2), 698-51, doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12515
  • Wamalwa, S. L., and Mwangi, R. M.(in review). Protecting a Legacy – CEO Succession at Safaricom in Kenya. Case Focus Journal, Vol 1 (2).
  • Billiah, M. Wario, G., Odhiambo, R., Mwangi R. M.(2020). Influence of Knowledge Mapping on Employee performance in Public Universities in Kenya. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research; 9(2) pp. 97-104
  • Oruoch, D. M., and Mwangi, RM. (2013). Entrepreneurial Intentions in Kenya. In J. H. Westover (Ed), Social entrepreneurship and microfinance(pp. 174 – 189). Common Ground Publishing LLC, Champaign, Illinois, USA
  • Billiah, M. Wario, G., Odhiambo, R., Mwangi R. M.(2019). Influence of Employee Competencies Management on Employee Performance in Public Universities in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11(21)
  • Morara, G., Gachunga, H., Odhiambo, R., & Mwangi, R. M.(2019). Influence of supervisor political behavior on dimensions of equity in human resource practices in Kenya’s public sectorThe mediating role of proactive work behavior. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 245 – 256.
  • Wabala, S. W., Gachunga, H., Odhiambo, R., & Mwangi, R. M.(2019). Effect of Employee Orientation on Performance of Saccos in Kenya: The Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 270 – 277.
  • Morara, G., Gachunga, H., Odhiambo, R., and Mwangi, R. M.(2019). Influence of workers’- environment on equity in human resource practices in Kenya’s public sector. The moderating role of organization climate. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 257 – 269.
  • Wang’ombe J., Gachunga, H., and Mwangi, R. M.(2017). Effect of Workplace Support on Employee Psychological Empowerment and Innovations in Market and Social Research Firms in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business and Change Management, Vol. 3(3)
  • Wabala, S. W., Gachunga, H., Odhiambo, R., & Mwangi, R. M.(2019). Effect of Employee Taking Charge on the Performance of Saccos In Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 278 – 285.
  • Wang’ombe J., Gachunga, H., and Mwangi, R. M.(2017). Impact of Training Support on Innovation in Market and Social Research Firms in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business and Change Management, Vol. 4(3)
  • Oruoch, D. M., and Mwangi, RM. (2007).The factors that facilitate entrepreneurial intentions among the youth and nascent entrepreneurs: Kenyan Case. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 7(5), 19-28
  • Nassiuma, D.K., and Mwangi, R. M.(1999). Weather effects on populations of the golden wing moth (Plusia orichalcea) in Njoro area, Kenya. Egerton University Journal, Science and Technology Series, 2(2), 72-76

Conferences & Chapters

  • Factors that influence intention to create social ventures among university students in Kenya, 2017
  • Kenya Scholars and Studies Association Annual Conference, September 8-9, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Co-authored with, and presented, by Steve Lombo)
  • Constructs of Successful SME Leadership in East Africa. Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) 3rd Biennial Conference, 2016, January 5 -10, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • School Leadership and Mathematics Achievement in Kenyan Secondary Schools. Accepted for presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2013 Annual Conference,
    April 27– Wednesday, May 1,2013 San Francisco, California
  • The impact of the threat of retrenchment on entrepreneurial intentions. Annual Summit on Business and Entrepreneurial Studies, 17-18 October 2012 Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (co-authored)
  • Exploring Mindfulness in Trans-disciplinary Research Settings, International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, Weatherhead School of Management, Cleveland, Ohio (June, 2011)
  • Role of School Leadership in Mathematics Achievement in Kenya, Mid-Western Educational Research Association Conference, Westin Great Southern Hotel, Columbus, Ohio (2010)
  • Factors that facilitate formation of intention to venture among the youth and nascent entrepreneurs. 7th annual conference of Knowledge, culture and change management, Singapore Management University, Singapore (2007)

Research Grants

  • 2018-2021  Co-investigator: Use of Emerging ICT to Build a Bridge to the Divide between Academic Research and Healthy Living: A Case of Aflatoxin Funded by National Research Fund (NRF)USD 100,000
  • 2013: Principal Investigator, “Constructs of Successful and Sustainable SMEs Leadership in East Africa: A Comparative Study” USD 81,850 funded by ICBE TrustAfrica & IDRC
  • 2014 Principal investigator, “Youth entrepreneurship and the cooperative movement in Kenya” USD 53,000 funded by CIC Insurance Group
  • 2016:    Won a grant to fund a Faculty Development Project at KCA University funded by Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (USD 13,200)
  • 2013 – 2014:  Won a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship for the International Deans’ Course. This was an intensive leadership training for University academic leaders from Africa that took place in Germany, Kenya and Ethiopia (EURO 3,000)
  • 2010:  Mitchell V. Morse DM Scholarship (USD 1,000) Award
  • 2008 – 2011:   Awarded Mandel/DM Fellowship
Prof. Renson Muchiri Mwangi
Prof. Renson Muchiri Mwangi