Dr. Lemunen Solomon has a cumulative experience in Human Resource attained over a period of fifteen years in both the Public Service and Private Sectors. Before joining IPOA, Dr. Lemunen was employed by the National Industrial Training Authority as Ag. Director Human Resource and Administration. He also worked with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), and Kenya Industrial Estate among others. He holds a Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Human Resource Management from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), a Master of Business Administration (Human Resource option) from Kenyatta University (KU), and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Human Resource option-Kemu). He also has a Higher National Diploma in Human Resource Management and a Diploma in Personnel Management. He is also a Certified Human Resource of Kenya (CHRP-K). Dr. Lemunen is a practicing member of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM). Currently, Dr. Lemunen Solomon Lucas is the Head of Human Capital with the independent policing oversight Authority (IPOA) and is a firm believer in quality and excellence.
His skills and experience are exemplified in his key achievements where he initiated a review process on HR instruments as per state corporation advisory Committee (SCAC) and Public service guidelines on the following institutions: The National Coroner Service (NCS),Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA),National Industrial Training Authority(NITA), Kenya Industrial Estate(KIE) Among Others, He was a founder member of the Laikipia peace caravan-a community approach to peace through dialogue of the conflicting or warring communities by elites or professionals from the same communities. Dr. Lemunen is a member of the KCA University School of Business Advisory Council.