Dr. Gladys Bunyasi



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Academic Qualification

  • PhD Entrepreneurship (2015) – (JKUAT)
  • Master of Business Administration (2007) – Finance (Kenyatta University)
  • Bachelor of Education Arts (1999) – Business (University of Nairobi)
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (2007) – (ACCA)
  • Certificate in Public Finance Management (2020) – (ACCA)
  • Certificate in Gender Equality and Human Rights (2020) – (UNHRC)

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • ACCA
  • ACCA Education Global Forum
  • Institute of Internal auditor

Board Membership

  • Board member and chair of the finance Committee, 2020 to date – PC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute


Dr. Bunyasi is a lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Finance at KCA University chool of Business. Being a professional accountant she has nurtured and mentored students to becoming professionals in the various accounting professions.  She served as a dean of students where she engaged in guiding and counseling students on career matters and social aspects of life. She later on served as a director at the School of Professional Programmes, then as Dean Regional campuses and professional programmes and as Chief Principal to the KCA University Technical College where she saw the growth of the department in both programmes on offer from around 6 in 2007 Programmes to over 30 Programmes by close of 2022.

She holds a PhD in entrepreneurship from JKUAT, MBA in Finance from Kenyatta University, Bed Arts from the University of Nairobi. She is a Chartered Certified Accountant, a member of (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA UK). She is also a member of the ACCA Education Global Forum where she sits on the forum as a representative from Kenya contributing to the ACCA magazines on current emerging issues in the accountancy profession. She is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors and a board member of the Paramount Chief Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute where she serves as a finance committee chair and a member of the Academic and Disciplinary committee. She has served as a Judge at the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) – Assessment for Leadership inclusion and outstanding educator award. She also served as a Judge at the ACCA Advocacy Awards in 2021. She holds a certificate in gender Equality and Human Rights with UNHCR. She also has a certificate in Public Finance Management with ACCA.

She has been mentoring students and guiding them on career both at University and KCSE graduate level. She has developed manuals for various courses and attended several training sessions on manuals development. She is an internal examiner and supervisor of Graduate thesis and undergraduate projects. She has travelled to various countries attending conferences and as a panelist in some of them. Some of the countries travelled to include Rwanda, Zimbabwe and South Africa. She has over 20 years of teaching experience in professional and academic programmes. She has consulted widely in areas of entrepreneurship, leadership finance and gender issues. She has published in areas of business, entrepreneurship and finance and is an advocate of youth, women empowerment and gender equality and human rights.

Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications

  1. Kulova, D. M., & Bunyasi, G. (2022). Influence of financial management reforms on public expenditures in the county governments of the western region of Kenya. Reviewed Journal of Financial Management, 3 (1), 1 – 17
  2. Daniel, M.S., Bunyasi, G. (2021). Effect of Pesalink and Mvisa on Financial Deepening among Tier 1 Commercial Banks in Kenya.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583
  3. Irene, M., Bunyasi, G., & Muchiri, R. (2017). Effects of Risk Assessment and Internal Audit Standards on Financial Performance of State-Owned Corporations in Kenya: A Case Study of the Ministry of Labour Social and Security Services. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 1(1), 1 – 13.
  4. Irene, M., Bunyasi, G., & Muchiri, R. (2017). Effects of Information System and Control Environment on Financial Performance of State-Owned Corporations in Kenya: A Case Study of the Ministry of Labour Social and Security Services. Journal of Finance and Accounting, (1), 14 – 26.
  5. Njiru, D., Bunyasi, G. (2016). Effect of Internal Controls on Financial Performance of water companies in Kenya (a case of water companies in Tana water services board).American Journal of finance, Vol.1, No. 1.
  6. Bunyasi, G.W., Bwisa, H & Namusonge, G. S. (2014).Effect of Entrepreneurial Finance on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya: European Journal of Business and Management, 6 (31).
  7. Bunyasi, G.W., Bwisa, H & Namusonge, G. S. (2014).Effect of Access to Business Information on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya:  International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(10).
  8. Bunyasi, G.W. (2007). Effect of Dividend policy on the market value of shares of public companies quoted at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) – Kenyatta University Institutional Repository

Research Interest

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Green Financing
  • Youth and women empowerment
  • ESG and sustainability reporting among SMEs
  • Financial Management and SMEs Growth

Conferences & Chapters

KCA University:
  • Bunyasi, G. & Waswa, F. (2022). Factors Influencing Start-up Innovations Among Social Entrepreneurs in Kenya.
  • Waswa, F. & Bunyasi, G. (2022). Consumer Innovations Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic for SMEs’ Sustainability in Kenya.
Kenyatta University: Kenyatta University Women Economic Empowerment Conference
  • Mamuli, L. & Bunyasi, G. (2022). Employee Wellbeing in Organizations in Post Covid -19 Era
Other conferences attended
  • Association of Women Accountants of Kenya Conference
  • ACCA Members conference
  • International Finance conference
  • ICPAK Conference on Financial Reporting in County Governments
Dr. Gladys Bunyasi