Anthony Mulinge


Deputy Registrar - Examinations & Timetabling

Staff E-mail Address

Academic Qualification

  • PHD. in Biostatistics (Moi University- ongoing)
  • Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
  • Master of Science in Applied Statistics (University of Nairobi)
  • Ed (Hons.)- Mathematics (Maseno University)

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Kenya National Statistical Society


I have graduated from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, the University of Nairobi, and Maseno University. I am an organized, detail-oriented, hardworking statistician with a passion for data and information. I have over ten years of experience in teaching, institutional research and management. My vast knowledge of statistical theory, R programming, and Ms Excel have helped me stand out as a data-driven decision-maker and problem-solver in teaching, research and management. I always ensure that work is completed on time and to a high standard. I am currently managing university timetabling at KCA University.

Research Interest

  • My methodological interests are multivariate statistics, categorical data analysis, and longitudinal data analysis with applications in epidemiology. I am particularly interested in the joint modelling of clinical data.
Anthony Mulinge
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